<XMP><body></XMP> <XMP></body></XMP> My Shangri-la

It has never been, it shall never be.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Regrets, I've had a few. But then again, too few to mention...

And so goes the song that speaks of self-motivation and pride. Regrets are, unfortunately, part of life. Of what was done, and what failed to be. It lingers like a lost soul in your memory, playing itself over and over, like a spoilt tape recorder.

After regret sets in, the "what if" game starts. The countless other courses of actions that could be taken, but were not. Perhaps a sweeter ending. Then again perhaps not. No one can be sure.

But one thing that is a foregone conclusion is the very thing that is often overlooked. So preoccupied with drowning our regrets in wine and whine (get it??), we forget to let it go. The weight of the world past on our shoulders, dragging us down the screaming pits of despair and failure.

Would it be fair to let our past affect those around us? To see us toiling the soils of our memories just to remind ourselves of the pain that our decisions brought? To jolt the mind of present with rude awakenings of yesterday?

Let go of the past, and live the future. I'm going to do it my way. Perhaps you should too.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Well, Valentines' Day is over. To those who are in a relationship, I hope you enjoyed the day. To the lonely hearts who spent it in the arms of sorrow, it is time to move on. We have spent enough time in discontent. Failure is part and parcel of life. It's how we deal with it that differentiates whiners from winners.

We trip, we stumble, we fall. Time and time again. No one can deny that. When failure stares you dead in the eye and mocks your very existence, when foes rejoice your lack of success by dancing on your grave, when the walls of life close in on your ambitions, waving the flag of truce would not be an arduous task at all.

To give in would be so easy. The lack of tenacity, determination, will-power, written all over your face. Charming.

The measure of a man is not defined by the number of times he falls. But rather the number of times he gives up.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Saying Goodbye...

Doesn't come easily. To force those words out hurt me more than it could you. But I had to say it. To deny you happiness for my selfish needs just wouldn't be right.

The memories just flooded back. I stood at the same place I called you. I watched the same sunset I showed you. But things change.

You have someone else to cling to now. Someone else to cheer you up on the first day of school. Someone else to bring you on drives to nowhere. Someone else to bring you happiness. The happiness I could barely provide.

Good for you. I wish you happiness. Goodbye.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Now I know why I never liked watching movies. It's just too perfect. Too much joy. Too much rejoicing. Too much love. Unfortunately, my life is devoid of love. Maybe that explains the animosity against movies.

I caught the show "My Sassy Girl" recently. I loved it. Then I hated it. I hated it so much. As I hate all other romantic shows. It just serves to remind me how much I lack in my life. The perfect ending that probably never will be. If you saw a tear roll down my cheek when I was watching the show, it was not because I found it touching. But rather because it reminded me of the imperfectness of my life.

Valentines Day is tomorrow. Not that I have a date. I have not had a date for the past two years. Guess the way things are going, this trend is going to continue a few more years.

Oh what the heck.