<XMP><body></XMP> <XMP></body></XMP> My Shangri-la

It has never been, it shall never be.

Friday, March 31, 2006

In Taiwan, do as the Taiwanese do..

Which is, chew betel nuts and spit. :))

Just kidding. Here's a surprise post from Taiwan! Who missed me? Fess up fess up! It's awfully windy here. Luckily I don't wear a wig. God help those who do.

1 week into my trip here. 2 more to go. I just did an exercise yesterday. Thank goodness everything went well.

Oh yeah I checked my performance bonus yesterday. Don't go come to me expecting a treat! >=(

To whom I miss, I MISS YOU!
Just too bad my car doesn't know how to use the computer. :))

Till I'm back!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Leaving again...

This site will be closed for the next three weeks. Cause no one else knows my password! Ho ho ho.. I'm leaving again tonight, and won't be back for... yup you guessed it, three weeks! *So clever. Bet you say Orchid instead of flower*

Anyway I'll be back in three weeks. Try not to miss me.. Too much.. :))



"What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet"

I guess I've earned myself a nickname. I went to the barber in camp on Wednesday. Told the bloke I wanted high slope all around. *ZAAAAAAAAAAAP* My eyes nearly popped out. He practically took off all the hair from the back of my head! So now I look like I've got a clump of grass on the top. That's all! Sheesh. The things I do for an overseas trip.

Oh yeah my nickname's Hammie. As in the cute adorable little terror in Baby Blues. It's a comic strip by the way. Go read the LIFE! section today. You might see the resemblance..


Monday, March 20, 2006

You Are Mine

I will come to you in the silence,
I will lift you from all your fear,
You will hear my voice, I claim you as my choice,
be still and know I am here.

I am hope for all who are hopeless,
I am eyes for all who long to see.
in the shadows of the night,
I will be your light, come and rest in me.

Do not be afraid, I am with you.
I have called you each by name.
Come and follow me, I will bring you home:
I love you and you are mine.

I am strength for all the despairing,
Healing for the ones who dwell in shame
All the blind will see, the lame will run free,
And all will know my name.

I am the Word that leads all to freedom,
I am the peace the world cannot give.
I will call your name, embracing all your pain,
stand up, now walk, and live.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

I smell the smelly smell of something that smells smelly.

Thought the title sounds funny. No relation to whatever I want to blog about today though.

Every now and then, death will jolt us back into reality. To make you realise once more how fragile life is. And how important it is to treasure your loved ones. Our comfort zones somewhere in the realms of outer space will come crashing down to earth.

You will feel sad. You will feel the loss. You will cry and mourn. You may even wail.

A few weeks later you'll be back in that comfort zone, fighting to secure some multi-million dollar contract. Laughing, playing.

The sad irony of life. And death.

Sunday, March 12, 2006


My cousin's wife passed away in China this afternoon. She had endured the past 20 days in a hospital, hooked up to tubes, heavily sedated.

Though we were not close, I can imagine the pain my cousin feels. His daughter is still so young. I would rather it have been me than her.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

A Certain Smile..

A certain smile, a certain face
Can lead an unsuspecting heart on a merry chase
A fleeting glance can say so many lovely things
Suddenly you know why my heart sings

You love awhile and when love goes
You try to hide the tears inside with a cheerful pose
But in the hush of night exactly like a bittersweet refrain
Comes that certain smile to haunt your heart again

But in the hush of night exactly like a bittersweet refrain
Comes that certain smile to haunt your heart again


Sometimes we aren't given many. Sometimes we have too many. I didn't have much of a choice the past year or so. Then suddenly I'm now spoilt for choice. And I'm not quite ready with a decision. And I believe that I should stick to my decision albeit it being a bad one. The Chinese phrase "左右为难" comes to mind.

A good friend of mine is now going through a rather unpleasant time with a choice he chose a couple of years ago. Which even more so drives home the point of not committing a decision until I am very sure of what I want. But that being said, a good decision now doesn't necessarily equate to a good decision in the future. Everyone is wiser after the event.

Perhaps natural selection will reduce my choices. But that's just wishful thinking.

Anyway I bought a nice pink collared T-shirt today. =D