<XMP><body></XMP> <XMP></body></XMP> My Shangri-la

It has never been, it shall never be.

Friday, October 14, 2005

First post!

Well well.. this is my very first entry! Just wanna try this out for fun since a few of my friends are using this as a blog site.

Been a very hectic week, running about with natures cute little furry animals and getting bitten by almost every insect known to man. In desperate need of a blood transfusion now.Thank goodness this week is over.

Ended work at 7, earliest in probably a gazillion years. But hey who's complaining? Came home to a nice dinner of cheese cake and frozen milk. Which reminds me..my milk is still defrosting in the living room!!!!!!!!

I'll be going to Sepang tomorrow with Chris, sitting in his wonderfully done up Silvia. *drool* (Note to self: Gotta find some cute emoticons) My first drive up there, and also my first time on a track. Hope I'll return safely.

Right now that fat slob of a Reginald Archibald is out "pat tor-ing" with his new found love interest. Like they say in chinese, "heavy lust, light friends" or something like that. "Supper later? Late..." Yeah right.

Anyway I'd better get off to bed. Maybe I'll update this again on Sunday. Maybe..


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