<XMP><body></XMP> <XMP></body></XMP> My Shangri-la

It has never been, it shall never be.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


I seldom saw you, maybe twice, or at best, three times a year. And even when I visited, it would be for a much shorter time than what I now feel would have been appropriate. I had known you for so long, but I knew so little of you.

Now I can't see you anymore. All I have are memories and photographs.
Goodbye dear uncle. I knew you so little, but I still love you a lot. I'll see you again someday.


At 10:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's an unavoidable stage in life.

At 4:18 PM, Blogger Russell said...

I know. But still, it pains the heart.


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