<XMP><body></XMP> <XMP></body></XMP> My Shangri-la

It has never been, it shall never be.

Sunday, October 16, 2005


The trip started yesterday, 15th Oct 2005, at 0730hrs. I was outside Chris' in-law's place waiting for him. We cleared the causeway at Tuas at around 0830hrs. Could describe it in one word. Empty. At least for the beginning that is. Wonderfully empty.

The first time driving in Malaysia with beautiful sunshine beating down on us helpless humans. But hey who's complaining? Made about 2 or 3 stops before we reached Sepang. Along the way there was this "POLIS" road block. Surprisingly I wasn't booked. At the speed I was going I guess I could have been booked twice.

Anyhoo here comes the exciting part. Reached Sepang at 1230hrs, left or right. Quite a few other cars were there already. Met Vince from Subaru Club. I almost bought over his brakes a month or 2 ago. Went for a few laps with Chris. Realised when to push a car hard and when to take your foot off the pedal. Really an eye-opener. Did about 7 laps before we called it a day. There were one or 2 incidents that caused the red flag to come out. One poor blue Honda was limping it's way to the pits being pulled by a tow truck after it met with an accident. But generally I could say it's pretty safe.

Booked into Le Meridian and went for dinner at..somehwere.. can't remember the name. After that we made our way to Petaling Street, where the lovely night market is. At the end of the trip I ended up with 6 boxes of snacks, 2 T-shirts and a cute looking pair of sweat pants cum shorts.
Woke up this morning at 8, and took my time to pamper myself to a ciggy and a warm slow bath. They've got nice cute bottles in which the toiletries come in. Took a bottle of body lotion back. I'm a metrosexual see. Anyhoo we headed back to Petaling Street for some hot curry laksa. Lesley had asam laksa. *bleh* Not my bowl of laksa. (Get the pun?)

Checked out of the hotel at 3pm and made our way back to Singapore. We drove 2 hours straight and took our first rest when we were 80 odd km away from JB. Two stoned guys and a sleepy lady sitting at a table. Guess you can imagine that.

We crossed the border around 1845hrs. Thanks Chris and Les for the wonderful experience!! =)
The best part of the trip? Cheap petrol.


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