<XMP><body></XMP> <XMP></body></XMP> My Shangri-la

It has never been, it shall never be.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Father Time

How fast time flies. Christmas is now over, as is New Year. My stunning holiday just flew past me. Chinese New Year is fast approaching, but it will be past soon enough. I went into my old unit on the 9th of May 2005. And now, 7 months after posting in, I'm leaving her. It is with great reluctance that I leave my boys behind. I might not have taken them for the longest of times, but it was long enough for me to feel attached to them. Not the best behaved ones, but still my boys. Guess they take after who is in charge huh?

I officially started a new chapter of my career on Monday, although it really begins tomorrow. A whole different tasking altogether, but I'll do my best. As usual, as always.

I most probably have to go overseas again. My new unit is due to leave early Feb. Meaning I'll be spending Valentines' Day overseas. Not that I've got a Valentines. Was hoping to spend it with a friend but I guess it won't materialise. Doesn't matter.

Time waits for no man, and no man has the time to wait.
A good day to all reading, and hope you enjoyed your public holiday.


At 9:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so where have u been posted now? all the best whereever it is!

on another note, uh-hem, if u need someone to look after your baby when u're away.....

*raises hand*


At 1:03 AM, Blogger FlyingMuffyn said...

why they neber let u take care of girls? :P


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